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Religious worship, England and Wales, 1851

Table of Contents

  Display:   Sections   Tables    Page Titles    
(Pages i-v) Title & contents pages
(166 pages)Contract subtree Report
(Pages v-vii) Letter from the registrar general to Viscount Palmerston
(Pages viii-clxviii)Expand subtree Report from Mr. Horace Mann to the registrar general
(Pages clxix-clxxvi) Appendix to report: Mode of procuring and digesting the returns forms, &c
(124 pages)Contract subtree Summary tables and tabular results
(Pages clxxviii-clxxx) Summary tables of England and Wales
(Pages clxxxi-clxxxiii) Estimates for defective returns
(Pages clxxxiv-cxciv) Tables of registration divisions
(Pages cxcv-ccxxxiv)Expand subtree Tables of counties
(Pages ccxxxv-ccxxxviii) Tables of returns defective as to available accommodation
(Pages ccxxxix-ccl) Table of the dates at which existing buildings were erected or appropriated to religious worship
(Page ccli) Table of dioceses
(Pages cclii-cclxxii) Table of large towns and boroughs
(Page cclxxiii) Accommodation provided by various religious bodies in large town districts, as compared with the rest of England
(Pages cclxxiv-cclxxv) Comparative strength of different bodies in each county
(Pages cclxxvi-ccxcv) Proportion of sittings to population in each registration district, and number of additional sittings required
(Page ccxcvi) Selection of districts with most and least accommodation respectively
(Page ccxcvii) Comparative position of the church of England and the dissenting bodies, as to accommodation, in counties and large towns
(Page ccxcviii) Number of services held by each religious body at different portions of the day
(Page ccxcix) Extent to which each body makes use of its accommodation
(Page ccc) Number of attendants at the most frequented services
(132 pages)Contract subtree Detailed tables
(Page 2) Note
(Pages 3-9) Division I. London
(Pages 10-25) Division II. South-Eastern
(Pages 26-36) Division III. South-Midland
(Pages 37-46) Division IV. Eastern
(Pages 47-63) Division V. South-Western
(Pages 64-77) Division VI. West-Midland
(Pages 78-89) Division VII. North-Midland
(Pages 90-98) Division VIII. North-Western
(Pages 99-111) Division IX. Yorkshire
(Pages 112-119) Division X. Northern
(Pages 120-129) Division XI. Welsh
(Pages 131-134) Index to names of places
(Pages 135-136) Errata